Always wondering how expansion of reach could be possible with simple promotion efforts? 


With just a simple ad boosted in social media, businesses could build a patronizing group of consumers not just with the known quality of a brand’s product, but with how one’s website achieved to connect to the liking of the customer and introduce its product seamlessly. As they say, beginnings are crucial for they create lasting connections. This is the same with how design works for brands’ websites. As brands start to retain those connections already made, agencies help to maintain the website’s appeal to the mass through its design. 


What is Web Design? 

Web Design is the process of making the user experience easier and more convenient on the web. This includes content management and strategy, webpage layout and plotting, and how the brand is integrated in the graphic design. It is basically what meets the eye of the users when they visit a certain website, and how the brand is communicated that triggers the emotional and mental state of the consumers. 


Whether offline or online, that first impression always matters as it paves the way to retain patrons. Chances are on the internet, what you can offer is exactly what another person is looking for. Let your customers experience you through beautiful, eye-catching web design on your personal platform.

USER offers web design guided by your own vision and your audience’s needs. We are a pioneer among other Singapore web design companies that perform in-depth user experience research and usability testing before launching the final website. With a meticulous and careful choice of method for the entire web design process from start to finish, you can be sure that your message can be communicated well through your brand, content, and products. 


Our Approach in Web Designing 

User-Centric Web Design Service

User- Centric

As a web designing company in Singaporewe are aiming to bring users the best experience not just in design alone, but ultimately bringing the purpose of the digital platform into life. To fulfill this, we use an approach that is widely appreciated and maximized in order to support the needs of both businesses and users. 

Our unique value proposition continued to strengthen our ties with consumers through the years as it brought impact to the brands by catering to their target market. Through appropriate and effective research on end users, we become enabled to identify which needs should be prioritized and which items or features of the website would the users definitely love. Soon enough, we will be reaching out to more users worldwide and help make better web designs for all cultures. 


Agile Design and Development Web Design Service

Agile Design and Development 

Promoting commitment in service, one key on how we create success for our clients is our agility in the business. As members willingly collaborate with each other for the success of every project, we allow changes to be made as we believe that at the end of the day, it is the purpose of the website that we are fulfilling. 

USER aims to be on top of the game through its agility in the process of designing, developing and the rest. We treat this as an avenue of digital transformation, for this results to our websites being immersed in a fast-paced environment, fully responsive and adaptive to the next big changes in the industry, and could fast-track, keep up and remain updated according to the trend. More likely, if businesses partnered with agile agencies like USER, they, too, leverage their chance to attain relevant and evident success online, lessening uncertainty in the whole process. 


Our Structure as a Web Design Company in Singapore 

We take pride in bringing the brand’s idea into life. To be able to supply the needs of the client, we first see through the best practices on how we should work on certain projects, even simultaneous and multiple ones: our approach and the sequence of workflow influence minimal errors towards the end. The main idea of our structure and workflow goes around the following: 


User Research 

As we believe in the message of our tagline, Focused on U, we dig deep into how we could integrate the brand and its vision into the whole journey and visuals of the website. Before launching the actual product to be used by the consumersUSER carefully evaluates which research method would be appropriate and aligned with the brand’s goals in order to achieve the exact website the client envisions. 

Before the actual design process, we stage the foundation of the website. With this, we conduct focus group discussions, stakeholder interviews, survey collection, and whichever applicable method is feasible to achieve accurate results. On this note, we would be able to identify which target groups are catered, what specific features of the website they are fond of, what pages they are likely to visit frequently, and what specific buttons and colors of the brand should we incorporate in order to produce a top-of-mind website. 



This is the phase where the design and development process take placeWe integrate your brand to the overall experience through creative spaces on the website and strengthen or enhance the flow of ideas through information architecture. As you envision the concept, we generate an appropriate overview of the website through a website model. 

From UX Design sketching/wireframing and programming/coding, comes production of mockups using tools such as Axure, Mockplus, or UXPin. Here, our UX/UI designers and prototype leads use the results from the focus groups and ideation sessions to guide them in making the product. 


Usability Testing 

Once the mockups have been created, usability testing is performed with respondents from the client company. USER has their own laboratory and equipment for usability testing, fully equipped for performing heatmapping and eye-tracking procedures. 

From the findings, the designs can be refined to address issues and troubleshoot bugs found in the testing sessions. The expected output at the end of this phase is a set of design guidelines to be followed and implemented for the final output.  

The design guidelines also act as the foundation for future enhancements and website updates. Once the final website has been launched, these guidelines ensure that the overall structure of the site stays in place throughout maintenance checks. 


Defining a Crowd-Favorite Web Design 


Why Trust USER Web Design Service vs Others? 

Let’s face it—website development is a laborious task. It can take months or years to build a great website. Though some sites offer beautiful and easy to navigate templates, a first-time business owner may have difficulty in making decisions, especially if it’s about bringing the business online. Whether one chooses to build a website with free templates online for hands-on business experience, or partner with a UX/UI agency for more customized and brand-like functions and features, one choice may affect the whole digital brand representation. At the end of the day, it’s all about choosing between web design quality or cost efficiency. Our tip for you going through this struggle is to identify your priorities. 

Choose the better choice. With USER, our developers and designers can offer their skills in organizing web pages and adding keywords to enhance site traffic. We give great care and attention to the structure of your website and the way your content is presented online. You can have more freedom to focus on building the internal aspects of your business while we make your digital vision come alive. 

Design and Develop with User Experience Researchers Are you a starting business, selling a new product, or in need of a new face for your website?

Message us in the contact form below. We would love to do business with you!