Today’s global landscape forces businesses to learn how to conform to the latest market conditions. Due to the need to comply with government restrictions around the world, traditional industries started to fully embrace digital transformation. They started to invest more in web development to keep up with the “new normal,” which embodies digitalization.

As one of the leaders in digital innovations globally, Singapore cultivates budding technologies and breeds new trends in the website development industry. Singaporean business owners who are thinking about hiring a web designing and development company can expect to see the following trends and standards in today’s “digital normal.”


Increase in Interactive UX from Motion UI

From today until the succeeding years, the trend of using animations in the user interface (UI) design will continue. Motion UI transforms an ordinary website into an updated site with an interactive user experience (UX). It can be useful in turning businesses to stand out against the other companies in the same field. This trend also helps the brand’s website develop a lasting impression, attract new customers, and regularly engage with the users.

If businesses gave instructions to their chosen web development company to incorporate motion UI and impressive graphics into their website, it will add more dimension and personality to the site. In return, it will capture the attention of their target users to visit their site and consider making a transaction.


Popularity of Progressive Web Apps Development Increases

During the past couple of years, experts predicted that Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) would become the next hottest trend in mobile web. It fuses the best features of web and mobile applications. Every top-notch web development services provider can come up with PWAs using the leading web development technologies with app-like features.

Businesses that choose to develop both online and mobile sites will appreciate the opportunity of having a website built in as little time possible. It is also an ideal solution during the new normal since it does not need complicated maintenance with backward compatibility. It means that it is easier to launch and maintain even if the company runs with a skeleton workforce.

Chatbots will be Essential

Chatbot technologies have become widely used in most websites nowadays. Various industries like eCommerce, B2C enterprises, government and non-profit organizations, and SaaS businesses all use chatbots to boost their user experience.

Today’s chatbots can provide smarter responses with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning capabilities. They can now understand the user’s needs better and get more cues from the queries sent by the users. It allows them to give back relevant answers and provide better human-like responses.

Minimalism Remains a Classic Web Design Choice

Over the years, web designers prefer the minimalist theme in creating appropriate designs for their clients. But this theme remains one of the most popular options today. These designers take the cue from the users, who mostly appreciate websites that look clean, intuitive, and easy to understand.

The minimalist layouts aim to prevent cognitive overload to the users. It also lets them understand the site’s main content idea so the users can pick up the brand’s objectives faster. While web designers can still use graphic elements and moving animations, they still choose to keep the components simple to avoid UI clutter.



Singapore’s web design and development trends are evolving rapidly, especially now that more businesses embrace digital transformation. Keeping up with the trends means that web design and development agencies must always be updated with the latest innovations in the industry.

By incorporating these trends in their client’s website, they can help Singaporean businesses achieve their business goals despite the highly competitive business landscape.

USER, a leading UI UX design agency, knows the latest trends and practices in website design and development. All of our projects are researched and created with the latest innovations in mind. To learn more about our extensive website design and development services, you can reach to us through